
This weekend, we enjoyed the company of a group from Maryland. 
They came to work unassigned territory in South Pike County.

It may have been pouring, but our car group was all smiles

Our meeting spot out in the territory

Breaking for lunch 

Candace and Glenda 


Preparing to head out 

 Luke and his lovely mom, Michelle

Our Saturday car group 

Our first householder insisted that we take a couple of corn "nubbins" from their garden. 

They were good! 

Vernon, Ethan and Luke
We are so impressed with these spiritually minded young men!

Preparing food for Sunday's lunch.
We made "a mess" of cole slaw, which around here means "a lot."
We also made a mess, in our kitchen.
At the Sunday meeting
Yolanda, Julie and Michelle 

Enjoying lunch

Jerry Collins has the best stories.

We quickly forge friendships with the self-sacrificing brothers and sisters who visit.

Reda's bacon chocolates. They were a hit! 

Our visiting speaker from Coeburn, Kasey Nygren, and his wife Monica 

The Davis family - Ethan, Julie and Bill 

Sandra, Glenda, Pat and Yolanda.
Sandra and Yolanda have visited this area several years in a row.

Our friends, the Magees. 
We got to know them last summer when they visited to work unassigned territory.
We are so glad that they organized a group to come down again this year!
We had a fantastic time with these friends, and had excellent experiences in the ministry.
We eagerly anticipate their next visit!