
This weekend, our friend Matt led a group down to Jenkins to work in our territory.
We had such a great time with them!

Heading out the first morning
Jesse, from the Russian group in Columbus, and Austin.
This was Austin's second trip to work in Jenkins!

Our car group - Matt, Tyler and Amber.
Amber and her family live in Mexico and assist an English speaking congregation there.

We stopped for lunch at the gas station in the territory.

Sidney, my fellow photographer

After field service, we headed out to Bad Branch for a hike. 
On the way, we stopped at the top of Pine Mountain to take in the view.

Hiking at Bad Branch Falls

That's Austin up there.

After a mile or so, we arrived at the waterfall.

Matt and Amber went under!

A candid shot

Tom and Heather


After the hike, the Bernards hosted a cookout for everyone at their home.

A campfire and s'mores

At the Sunday meeting

The group

To show our appreciation for their visit, we had a big meal after the meeting -
with local favorites like chicken and dumplings, fried corn bread and good puddin'.

Sidney and Becky

With Coretta and her son Steven

Tom and Heather

Candace with LaNae, who serves in the Laotian congregation in Columbus.

On Monday, the last day of the visit, we got to work with Tom and Heather in service.

At lunchtime we stopped at Robo's for burgers and shakes.

We are so grateful to all of the friends who visited and got so much done in our territory! 
We hope they come again!